Strategy: Case Study 7
Develop business and brand strategy for publishing company launching cable networks.
New cable TV network division of Fortune 100 publishing company
Business Challenge
In an effort to off–set weakened growth in other sectors, this publishing company funded the start–up of a new cable TV network and succeed in rapidly gaining carriage in 15 million homes.
- Successfully launched, the company now needed the leadership team to provide direction on the business and the brand strategy.
- Lack of alignment was causing siloed decisions on programming, marketing, operations, and pursuit of growth options.
The Solution
Interviewed all key stakeholders, reviewed all existing research, and conducted new research on strategic options for the company.
- Facilitated meetings in which the leadership team reached agreement on the business strategy and high level brand strategy.
- Research competitive positions and recommended positioning strategy for the brand.
- Conducted focus groups to test consumer response to brand positioning.
- Facilitated meetings in which the leadership team agreed upon the detailed brand strategy and positioning.
- Worked with the ad agency to develop creative options and tag lines.
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